DISCLAIMER: I received the product being reviewed in this post compliments of DockATot. My opinions are all my own.

I've been dying to try out DockATot since they started becoming widely used here in Utah soon after Hazel was born. I never had occasion to really buckle down and get one while she was in her infancy, but as our Disneyworld trip approached, it occurred to me that the larger DockATot (the Grand, meant for toddlers 9-36 months) would be a great thing to have along in Orlando for Hazel! While planning the sleeping arrangements for our trip initially, I had planned that Hazel would just sleep in whatever crib or pack-n-play the hotel room provided, and that that would work for us. If I'm honest, it would have. I mean, eventually a kid is so exhausted that they'll sleep pretty much anywhere...but I had no idea how handy the DockaTot would be!

In my mind, I was picturing that the DockATot was a little more on the "inflatable" side, but in actuality, it's much more cushiony, and it doesn't deflate. It's made of all-natural, 100% cotton and is tested for breathability, so you can see why that makes sense--it just hadn't occurred to me until I saw it in person. SO, when it arrived on my doorstep I was skeptical about its ability to make the trip to Orlando with us.

We waffled back and forth on whether or not we should dedicate the space to take it, and literally the morning we left, we made a last-minute decision to fold it down into one of our checked bags (because we had free checked bags on our flight). It took up an entire carry-on sized suitcase, and it probably wasn't the most ideal scenario for it to maintain its shape long-term, but it worked, and it didn't seem any worse for the wear once it had a second to flatten out again. (We were worried for a sec.)

SO I suppose the point of that big long introduction is that in a real-world situation, the DockATot is maybe not the most practical thing to take on an airplane...BUT we were glad we had it with! Hazel took one look at the mini-crib they brought in the first night and wouldn't so much as let me set her in it. So we put the DockATot on the bed next to us, and she laid in it and fell asleep. Then we transferred her to the floor, where she slept soundly between the two beds. After that, each night, we just laid her in it on the floor and she immediately snuggled down into it and fell asleep. (I kind of want a DockATot for myself now that I have seen how cozy they seem!)
Anyway, it saved our bacon. Hazel loved having a space that was all hers. She felt safe and cozy in an unfamiliar environment, and I liked not having to lay her down in the same pack-n-play that a million other babies at Disney had used before us. #controlfreakprobs

So, as the title of my post suggests, the DockaTot helped us "survive" Disney because our baby was well-rested, safe, and comfortable in our hotel room. Since she was getting the majority of her daytime naps in the stroller or the baby carrier while we were busy park-hopping, it gave me peace of mind knowing she was getting a really healthy and comfortable night of sleep in between each of the hectic days.
One last thing I want to throw in here is that the DockaTot is certainly not just for travel. It's great for a quick overnight trip to Grandma's, for those nights when they just won't sleep in their own room and you hate the thought of them kicking you in the face in the middle of the night, for a comfortable and safe transition into a toddler bed, or even just as a daytime lounger while they watch their favorite show. Pictured in these photos is the Grand, which as I mentioned above is for kids ages 9-36 months. There is also the classic DockaTot, made for infants and babies up to 8 months of age.

If you are thinking of purchasing a DockaTot, you can go HERE to get a $10 discount just for being one of my readers. Message me or comment below with any questions!
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