Hello hello! I am so excited to be back with all of you, and the fabulous Dani, again! Today is a really special post where I'm going to show you some secrets of my hand drawings in my wedding invitations. I have a degree in Drawing and Painting and, naturally, the skills and style that I create in my paintings leak into the designs for my wedding invitations. I have always been drawn to geometric designs and repetitive patterns. It wasn't until I was in college that my father showed some of his sketches (he studied art a very little bit in college before switching to be a computer engineer) and surprise! he also is deeply interested in geometry, lines, and patterns! I feel like it was meant to be!
(one of my intaglio prints where I incorporated one of my father's design into my own)
A couple years before I started my business, I was sketching all the time, but I was having a really tough time getting my designs to be repetitive. It was a lot of experimentation and a lot of failures. And then one day, I happened upon this miracle of a post by Julia. Seriously, she made my life so much easier, not to mention how hooked I got at creating repeating drawings.
To sum it up, Julia teaches a simple pen and paper way to create a repeating drawing where the paper is cut and taped together. I love using this technique because it allows me to draw the design with my own hands (not relying on a computer to do the work for me). I give me a great sense of accomplishment and I love how it looks. I provided some close-up pictures so you can see how I actually cut and taped the paper back together. The flower pattern is a lot more cut-and-paste than the paisley, but they both use the same basic technique.
After I finish the design, I then scan it into the computer to erase little mistakes and color the design. I could color it by hand, but I enjoy being able to change the colors and modify the design to my needs.
Once the designs are finished, I incorporate them into my wedding invitations. Here are just three of the wedding invitations that use some of my hand-drawings. There are several more invitations on my website that utilize my hand-drawings, and you can look for even more coming up in the future!
So neat! I love the invitations!