
Thursday, June 2, 2011

Cloth Diaper+Flannel Burp Cloths

Now that we're all settled in Albuquerque, I've been working on burp cloths from this tutorial from So She Sews. They were kind of time-consuming at first, but as I got going, I got kind of a rhythm and they became easier. They were actually really fun, and come on, who doesn't love making things with cute baby fabric?
Now you wanna make some for all the babies in your life, don't you? ;)


  1. You will LOVE having those for your sweet baby. I go through like 4 a day. I hope you are planning on keeping all of them...they will be used!!! Super cute too!

  2. You have such a talent for choosing fabrics. Love these...yes, I do want to make some for the babies in my life!

  3. Just discovered your blog - now a new follower. Congrats and welcome to Albuquerque! Don't know if you're from here and returning, but I hope you enjoy it (I'm a native Albuquerque-an).

  4. Thanks Lola. :) We are originally from Utah, but we were in Albuquerque for the past two summers. We are currently in Wisconsin for the school years, but after this school year we will be back in Albuquerque permanently. :)

  5. Please tell me what size diapers are used for these
