Be Different, Act Normal featured this cute treat called a "Raspberry Swizzle" from The Farm Chicks.
The Swizzle reminded me of a drink we like to make in our family:
Fanta Red Cream Floats
You need:
Fanta Red Cream Soda
Dole Crushed Pineapple
Vanilla Ice Cream
1. Put a couple scoops of ice cream into a large glass.
2. Add a couple scoops of crushed pineapple (I like lots...but some people just like a little).
3. Pour Fanta over the top.
Vanilla Ice Cream
The Swizzle reminded me of a drink we like to make in our family:
Fanta Red Cream Floats
You need:
Fanta Red Cream Soda
Dole Crushed Pineapple
Vanilla Ice Cream
1. Put a couple scoops of ice cream into a large glass.
2. Add a couple scoops of crushed pineapple (I like lots...but some people just like a little).
3. Pour Fanta over the top.
Vanilla Ice Cream
Oh, I definitely have to try these. Thanks for sharing.
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