
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

I *Heart* My State

As I've mentioned several times before, I live in Albuquerque, NM.  We like it here.  A lot.  Enough that we bought a house here with intentions to stay for a long time.  There are lots of great things about ABQ--the weather, the monsoons, the clouds, the zoo, etc.  But my favorite thing about New Mexico has to be the colors.  Southwestern decor is The Bomb.  Turquoise, blues, reds, yellows, oranges....people aren't scared of color here.  

Here are a few examples just from the past few weeks.

 Benches like these:
  Weather like this: 
 Fences like this: 
 Walls like this:
 Doorways like this: 
 Clouds and sky like this:
But.  All that said...Utah is my home.  Utah is where I grew up.  It's where my family is.  It's just...Utah.  So when my friend showed me a pin on Pinterest where a lady did a nail and string craft of her state, I had to do it.  And I had to honor New Mexico, too, by painting it turquoise and using some good ol' gold string.   
 Best of both worlds, right?
Original pin HERE.  (Mine didn't turn out as perfectly as hers did, but it looks cute up on my mantle where no one is looking too closely.) :)

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